Jeff and Maree are the Creators of The Genius Profile, and proud Founders of The 9 Pillar Wellness Hub, a centre dedicated to helping people ignite their Inner Genius. Why ‘inner genius’? Simple. Albert Einstein once said that everyone is born a genius. But … if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid, and incapable of living ‘the good life’.
And we all take this belief with us through life in our own way, trying our best to be what we believe everyone wants us to be, from our parents, to our friends, our partners, and even our workmates. And it has an impact on our outlook on life, our personal endeavours, our health, our home, our relationships, our work and more.
Now perhaps this is something many people have not really thought that much about. But, Jeff and Maree know that somewhere inside us all there is a sense of who we are supposed to be, and how we could live life if allowed to.
Jeff and Maree are focused on helping people be all they have the right to be or become. Their biggest joy in life is empowering people to ignite their Inner Genius and engage with their physical, mental, emotional and environmental health and wellbeing towards taking control of their own wellness reality, and embracing longevity through purpose-driven flow.

Jeff is a qualified Psychologist, NLP Master Practitioner, Certified Wholistic Health & Healing Nutrition Coach and Practitioner, Performance Consultant & Master Trainer, Life Coach, Behavioural Change Coach, Effective Integration Coach, Educator and International Presenter & Published Author, to mention but a few of his credentials.

Maree is a qualified Interior Designer, Certified Global Feng Shui Practitioner, Certified Wholistic Health & Healing Nutrition Coach and Practitioner, Educator and International Presenter & Published Author, to mention but a few of her credentials.
Their Goal … to embrace continued application of time and energy towards learning, researching and developing skills, knowledge, resources and strategies to help and support others achieve the outcomes they seek.
Their Vision … to provide individuals the means to grow and experience quality in all areas of their life.
Their values … to value, honour and respect those they work with | to provide honesty and ethics in all they do | to be professional at all times | to live as they teach | to learn through leading | to constantly seek growth and improvement | to share their learning with others.
Their purpose … to respect and cherish ‘all things nature in human’.

Jeff and Maree have travelled a varied pathway over the past 10 years or so, both choosing to leave full-time employment in the pursuit of a vision that was only just a dream at first.
What started out as a desire to grow a business focused on behavioural management and performance soon blossomed into a much bigger passion. And, it is safe to say that while when they began their journey they could never have envisaged where it would lead them, they are now very much in control of their journey and their purpose in continuing to chase their dreams, despite so many setbacks along the way.
It all started with Jeff wanting to put his psychology expertise to better use than had been the case to date. What started with being introduced to a very insightful profiling system (perfect for a business designed to coach behavioural performance) soon led to a deep study of the i-Ching, and an understanding of the true basis of human endeavour.
But it wasn’t to stop there. As their learning in this area grew so too did their desire to dig deeper … because even then they knew that an individual’s behaviour is only one small part of their human equation. And so, in the years that followed, Jeff and Maree devoted their time and energy to researching and studying with masters in their respective fields … Feng Shui, Daoism, 5 Element Theory, Traditional Chinese Medicine and so much more.
Why you might ask. Simple … they learned very quickly that to understand an individual’s life meant understanding all aspects of it – their mindset, behaviours, values and so on, their physical/mental/emotional health, their relationships, their home environment, their workplace. They learned that to address an issue in one area of a person’s life without considering the ‘bigger picture’ will invariably leave that person back where they started in a very short space of time.
They understood the term ‘wholisitc’ health and wellbeing, and this has been their driving force from that point on – to work with people who felt ‘stuck’ in life, who sensed they could do or be more, but didn’t know how, people who were fed up with the ‘western way’ of curing symptoms they were brought up to believe in, choosing instead to embrace the notion of ‘whole body system balance’ … a preventative approach to living in wellness.
And so … many years later …the birth of the 9 Pillar Wellness Hub, specializing in LifeStyle, Feng Shui & Interior Design and Health & Healing Nutrition … three distinct yet totally inter-related services that have the power to truly ignite anyone’s Inner Genius.

On a personal level, their ideal client is an individual, couple or family who have identified there is an issue (or burning goal) that needs addressing if they are to move forward. More importantly, such people know they need to do something right now, and are prepared to take whatever action necessary to move forward past their current roadblock.
Such people may have personal issues, relationships issues, health issues, they might be living in a place that doesn’t ‘work’ for them or a work environment they feel uncomfortable in. Whatever the case, they need to take action. And … they understand that to find a solution may mean moving outside their comfort zone and embrace things totally new to them.
Jeff and Maree also have a great love of sharing knowledge and skills, and apart from coaching and presenting, they love noting better than running workshops, masterclasses and retreats.
Their ‘perfect scenario’? An online community of like-minded people from varying backgrounds, all focused on the common goal of self-improvement leading to wellness and longevity through flow.
On a workplace level, their ideal client is an organization seeking to create a wellbeing culture for staff, one which values people, seeks to grow balance and harmony, and is prepared to put their most valuable asset … people … at the forefront.
Their work (pre-covid) saw them travelling interstate and to a number of countries, delivering presentations and workshops, sponsoring conferences and the like … something they are very keen to launch into once again.
Jeff and Maree love travelling, but they love family more. Their family keeps growing, meaning that they’re spending more time than previously with the newer and younger members of their world.
In the past Maree was one of the top ballroom dancers in her age group on the Australian competition circuit, something she would love to get back into with Jeff by her side.
Jeff, on the other hand, has a background as a professional musician, being blessed to have travelled and performed around the country, spending time with many of the greats of Australian music (rock that is).
Their vision is to spend the next ten years pursing all that inspires them. To them, money is not a motivator. Instead, it is doing what they love to do rather than what that ‘have to do’ that drives them. Their belief is simple … your wealth is what you are left with when all your physical assets have been taken away.
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